On the 03 June 23 the first Association open afternoon was held in the WOs' & Sgts' Mess at the MCTC. The afternoon consisted of a few drinks in the Mess and a visit to the Heritage centre.
The afternoon was very well attend by Ex serving members and all appeared to have a great time. The new RSM WO1 D Batterham who organised the event and the Commandant Lt Col M Fielder (RTR) where also in attendance along with current serving members from across the Regiment.
The afternoon was enjoyed by all and gave Ex members of the Regiment the opportunity to express any concerns they have with regards to the Association direct with the current RSM. I am glad to say, there was very few. The visit to the Heritage centre was also a huge success and received a vast a amount of praise from all. The Heritage centre was created by SSgt Emma Mannion - Williams a year ago this month and it was fantastic to see all enjoying it so much. This also sparked lots of conversation between current and Ex members of the Regiment which was great to see. Great work Emma.
A massive thank you to all that attend and I look forward to seeing you and hopefully more at the next one. Date TBC.